In addition to the courses offered, we also specialise to customised training as per the respective client’s needs

If you’re looking for something that is tailored for your organisation’s unique training preferences, look no further. The BET&T team can customise a training program for your business thus enabling you to meet your company’s objectives.

At BET&T we believe that “one size fits all” does not apply.

We are flexible in designing courses in partnership with your team to ensure the best possible outcome.

Our courses can be designed to suit the beginner who knows very little to the professional who only requires a little touch-up on their skills and knowledge.

This is achieved in four easy steps:

By listening and understanding your training needs

We meet with your company subject matter experts and do a skills analysis on your current competencies

Identify the skills gap to meet organisational goals

By designing and developing your training programme

Design the solution to close the skills gap

Develop a company specific training programme

By the delivery of your training programme

Roll out the training solution; manage training delivery, administration and logistics.

Review the effectiveness of the training delivery and evaluate the learning and understanding continuously

Through ongoing evaluation

Review participant feedback and assessment results.

Update and adapt the material to maximise the outcome of future programmes.